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Sales force optimization done right

Jul 29, 2014

Improving sales performance through interactive solutions.

Sales force optimization call centers BI WORLDWIDE Latin America.


BI WORLDWIDE designed and developed an interactive solution to disseminate the knowledge necessary to empower this sales force.


A leader in the technology industry encountered declining revenue in product sales. Despite numerous promotional offers, retention and sales of premium channels/packages were not projected to meet current revenue targets.


The client enlisted BI WORLDWIDE to create an engagement solution to boost the performance of the client’s Call Center Consultants, responsible for sales and retention efforts with a suite of product offerings. A substantial goal of a 15% increase in product revenue was set for one-half of the client’s call centers.


BI WORLDWIDE developed an immersive, interactive and educational three-month pilot program to tackle the challenge. The Consultants needed a knowledgeable, helpful, go-to resource that traditional training tactics just couldn’t fulfill: a Concierge.

The Call Center Concierge is an embedded subject matter expert within the call center. Extensively trained on all aspects of the product offerings, the Concierge funnels vast quantities of information from the client and their affiliated partners into a single go-to resource for the Consultants. Working from an interactive hub, the Concierge, in masse and one-on-one, provided support and encouragement to the Consultants. This built the Consultants’ knowledge and gave them the confidence to sell product offerings efficiently and effectively.


Concierge locations saw a lift in sales of 15.5% during the pilot and outperformed non-concierge locations by 43.7% overall. The client extended the project an additional six months with a robust platform and is currently considering expansion to additional locations.

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