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4 Reasons for Personalizing Your Incentive Program

Jan 12, 2016

Motivate your sales team with incentives that meet each person's unique needs and desires. 

Let’s play hooky for a day and ditch the office. Come on, your boss said it’s fine – you’ve been putting in really good work lately.

The world is your oyster, so what do you want to do? We could go catch a major sporting event, get a little retail therapy, or take a master cooking class...whatever you want!

Having the time and resources to enjoy your passion with reckless abandon is rare for most of us. When it happens, we’re bound to remember it well. It’s no wonder this approach is an effective paradigm for rewards and incentives. A one-size-fits-all reward is nice but one that is tailored to your top performers and their passions – now that’s powerful. Still not convinced? Here are a few reasons a tailored approach will pay off.

Choosing Happiness

Top performers who choose their own reward will inevitably be more satisfied with the outcome. A personalized incentive effectively removes the “I just don’t find the reward motivating” excuse and replaces it with options that put the ball in your participants’ court. Why not go big if you know you’ll get what you want?

Wider Reach

Certain individuals will always be top performers – no matter what the reward. But most of us need an incentive that really drives our performance and gives us a reason to keep going. Sticking with status quo incentives may not negatively impact the few consistent top performers but you’ll be missing an opportunity to appeal to your larger audience that could make all the difference for your bottom line. Broader appeal means bigger results.

More than a Number

Giving your sales force the opportunity to pick their own rewards sends a clear message about how you view them. Simply having options demonstrates the fact that you see them as unique individuals. Your team should feel that they are much more than cogs in a machine; they contribute in their own way and should be rewarded accordingly.

Reward Stories

Your team likely spends a lot of time at the proverbial water cooler recounting horrific nightmares on the job. These stories unite teams through a common experience. Offering tailored incentives balances the conversation with celebrated ‘reward stories’ that detail the incredible experiences they’ve earned. Like war stories, each one is a little different. Unlike war stories, ‘reward stories’ fuel the fire of top performance for anyone within earshot. Legendary stories can be the spark for legendary results.

If you’d like to experience the unique benefits of a tailored incentive, consider Passion Pursuit for your next program reward. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime reward that includes a bucket-list type activity and a luxury concierge shopping experience. Best of all, each experience is tailored to participants’ personal interests. Let us show you how tapping into your team’s favorite things can generate powerful results.

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